Yes, I am a lucky bugger! Why? Guess what I had to play with today?
A brand new CR250!!! Of course my mate Geikie – and his CR250 – was going to come and play with
We even had the Race Nation bus to cart them around
I have been telling Geikie about Moordkuyl for a while now and he’s been dying to try it out. When presented with an opportunity like this we just could not let it pass.
The new CR is a beautiful bike!
We unloaded and set off. Those who’ve been there will recognize these pics
Unfortunately the water was way less than the last time we were here. Also, some of the really technical bits have been fixed by now, but we still had a whale of a time
Of course, even with the lower water level thee are still some deep bits
Sorry for the smiley's after each sentence. I’m still trying to get the smile off my face
Enough talking. Here are the play pics
One of my favorite shots:
Yep – we LOVE water crossings!
Those weren't all we did though. Moordkuyl has water, rocks, sand and uphills.
Notice the elephant dung on the left. We made very sure that we didn’t happen on the Cow and Calf. No bikes will be trampled today…
To say that this bike is in a different league from my bike is like trying out for understatement of the year reward. Riding these bikes are hard work for an unfit bugger like me though. I was knackered by now!
We headed back to the river for a rest and some refreshments.
Geikie shot back to the van to fetch the cool box. The delivery was fast! Scooter’s pizza eat your heart out
LGF – as you can see the uphills have been worked down in places. Much easier to negotiate now
A well deserved break in a wonderful setting!
What a day. What a day!!!
Can I have one with an electric starter please
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