The day has come. My bike is sold. I am glad to report that another Wild Dog has bought it. One of my fears were that someone would buy my farm bike and use it as that - a farm bike. Now at least I know the bike will go to another biking family. My time with the bike has ended, but it's a whole new beginning for the bike with new horizons and a lighter rider
It is with a lot of pride I look back on my time with this bike. It started me and my family off on a whole new chapter of our lives - adventure bike touring. I remember my first ride report well.
Asterix and I did our first trip together to Attakwaskloof. And what an experience it was.
Quality father and son time that will be cherished forever.
It took me on trips with Mrs. TR
It took me on family outrides:
And of course it did LOTS of what it does best - Trailriding!
But it wasn't afraid to take the longer tours either:
It even took me to the Wild Dog Bash at Hogsback! We set aside days for that trip, but the trusty bike delivered me a day early.
And it always brought me home.
It was a bike without pretense or bias, riding with other small bikes:
And it rode with big bikes:
and even quads!
And it always held it's own
This bike provided me with some good memories:
It has provided others with memories they'll never forget!
One of the many highlights was the Southern Cape Trail Ride. I always wanted to put together an epic trip exclusively for the small bikes. I eventually did and it truly was an epic ride.
As it turns out the recent Burchell Ride was to be our last ride. It was always on the cards and somehow when I took this photo I knew it was the last trip photo of the CTX I'd ever take. And where else but Montagu Pass.
It was a moment the bike and I shared alone. The photo's caption in the Ride Report was a fitting "The bike that started it all".
So it is the end. The end of an era. But it is not the end of the bike. Many happy miles for the new owner. This bike has never let me down and I'm sure it'll give you good times and great memories as well. Enjoy!
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