A while back, while returning from Swellendam, Asterix and I took this photo:
This is the plane that overshot the runway in wet conditions a while back (Article here).
When I recently learned that this is now the location of the Geocache Aquaplane, I new this was to good to pass up, so Asterix and I went to look for it!
You feel like you are trespassing when you enter this area.
It took quite a hit.
Without giving away to much about the location of the cache, we found it easily.
We had a look at the contents and signed the log. The cache contained the Travelbug Dida, a bug from Illinois in the United States that has travelled a total of 46493.5km so far. See a Map of it's travels here.
(more about Travelbugs here)
And a last photo from the same spot as the first taken on the Swellendam trip:
This was a cool cache. I use to play on the grass where the plane lies now as a kid. My dad helped build the George Flying Club years ago when this area had no other buildings yet. He was a pilot and I grew up with planes and flying from the day I was born and spent a lot of time around aircraft during my time in the Air Force. Amazingly Asterix, who turns 13 this year, has never flown before. In fact, this is the first time he's been this close to a plane. Typical boy he now talks about little else.
He'll be flying for the first time when he travels to Gauteng for the National Karate Trails in two week's time.
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