It’s December month, sunshine and beaches for most people, me?
I chose the roads less travelled for this holiday, riding solo, with fellow riders and meeting lots of new people.
Sometimes, taking things at a slower pace is also rewarding!
First up was the Southern Cape Trailride:
I set off from a very windy Cape Town towards Ladismith where I was staying the first night. From home I rode through Franshoek towards Villiersdorp, from there I took the R62 all the way to the farm covering 380km’s that day. Might not sound like much to you lot, but try doing it on a 125cc bike, where wind, uphills etc. all play a role in the ride.
Here on the road between Francshoek and Villiers, the only photo I took for the day.
The next day I was up early, today I was going to Bonniedale adventure farm to meet up with the rest of the guys. Taking the very scenic gravel road from Ladismith through Van Wyks Dorp, 110km’s to the campsite.
This is the farm road that leads to the campsite.
Some nice riding to be had here!
I was first to arrive and set up my little bit of camp,
Everything I took along for this trip I had in a small dry bag.
• Tent
• Cushion
• Clothes
• Toiletries
• Towel
• Hiking stove
• Gas cylinder
• Cup
• Food
• Coffee
• Chain lube
• Tyre fixing stuff
• Torch
• Plates
• Knife/fork
• GPS/Cellphone Chargers
I also have a small tank bag, in which I put my camera, tripod, medical stuff and snacks
Packing light on a 125 is absolutely crucial!
The group for this trip consisted of 6 Riders:
EtienneNXR (hey that’s me!)
Tok Tokkie
On the last day Asterix (Trailriders son) an amazing rider for 10 years of age. Roof of Africa watch out!
The first people to arrive were LGF and Trailrider, they came in through the other side of the farm, Rooipoot and his crew only arrived much later.
Very nice campsite/area lots of places to swim, rivers, rock pools, dams with canoe’s etc. Friendly people and the prices are very cheap!
We had a lekker braai and relaxing evening, it’s quite a feeling when you left the Cape a day before and now almost in George on a 125 camping, and having everything you need with you.
This “staffie” named Tequila, kept the fearsome honey badgers away
Continue to Day 2
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