We didn’t hit the road straight away, TR had some forest trails lined up first. You can even see Mosselbay from here!
A bit of coffee at the farm house, and we were off again, towards TR’s home.
Trailrider hopped on the Transalp and guided us out of his town,
Toktokkie, Rooipoot and I continued through the Attakwas kloof area. We all really enjoyed this ride each one going at his own pace, Tok Tokkie really gets going once he plugs in the Zumo’s earphones!
I said goodbye to the other two, and did the last 100km’s back to Ladismith.
This was one of the few times I saw a snake while riding, thus far I have seen 5 snakes on the road, only on this Desember trip!
I arrived home, tired, exhausted and very glad I went on this trip, my first real bike trip, except for Wilddog day rides.
To all that went with, big thanks, you guys made the trip.
Rooipoot, Jislaaik dis ‘n lekker oom die! Kan vir jou baie leer, van enige iets!
Tok Tokkie, great having you on a trip, you bring a very relaxed attitude to the camp!
Operator, the first Wilddog I ever rode with, as Trailrider put it: “I love having Operator on trips he always bring comic relief”
Letsgofishing: You are the funniest Englishman I have met, you’re always there to keep TR in line
Astrix, what a nice kid well mannered, and bloody hell he can ride! He embarrasses me on these trails!
Trailrider, a Huge thanks to you, for organising this trip, scouting routes, organising permits, getting the group together, and for all the photo’s.
So………. When is the next trip...
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