Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Biker Etiquette - Miscellaneous


Riding in Technical Sections:

When you are unsure about the section ahead walk it first. If you are unsure ask for help. Breaking / drowning your bike can be expensive and can leave you (and others) stuck for a long time.

Make sure the bike in front of you is past the worst section when riding difficult sections - else you may bump into them and create a train effect. On the flip side, if you get stuck on a blind spot - get off the track so the next guy can pass.

Do not underestimate the pressure on individuals when there is a group waiting / watching / photographing and they're up next. If a rider is unsure / inexperienced take precautions to avoid damage / delays.

It's always a good idea to let riders negotiate technical sections one by one, especially if there are new riders in the group.

Animal Encounters

As far as Biker Etiquette go I only want to touch on two types of animals - Ostriches and Horses.

Ostriches are problematic as they spook very easily. When riding in Ostrich farming areas please be as considerate as possible.

  • Reduce speed.
  • Reduce noise.

Ostriches do not start running when you come along belong they want to race you or because they like your bike. These are stupid animals and if even only one starts running the rest will follow. They run into fences and injure and sometimes even kill themselves. The biggest problem is the fact that they damage their skins. Ostrich farmers, being in the leather industry, can suffer considerable financial loss because of this.

Lets consider the people living in the areas we ride in.

Horses, luckily, are a lot smarter than Ostriches, but they can also be frightened / spooked.

Horses on / next to the road are more likely to be used to traffic & noise and less likely to be spooked. Nonetheless keep the dust and noise down when passing. A simple thing like engaging the clutch and letting your bike "free" past the horse will make the life of the horsemen easier.

While riding on forest roads & tracks (Trailriding) the rules change somewhat. The horses in these areas might not be used to motorized vehicles. Further more you might be a lot closer before you see them.

When encountering horses on the trails:
  • Pull to the side of the trail far enough for horses to pass safely as soon as you see them.
  • Shut off your motor as soon as possible and remove your helmet. The horse will be more likely to recognize you as a human.
  • Speak to the rider and horse in a friendly, relaxed tone.
  • When approaching horses from behind, stop, call ahead and make yourself known to the rider. Ask them if it is OK to pass and the best way to do so. The horseman will know his/her horse and how the horse reacts to other trail enthusiasts.
  • If you ride by a horse, keep your rpm’s low and steady and your sound as low as possible. Sudden movements or sounds can startle horses.



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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
